
Enterprise Imaging: A Conversation With Our Clinical Colleagues

Join us for an interactive discussion on the current state of enterprise imaging deployments, the perceived value of these programs and their implementation challenges. We’ll explore responses from a HIMSS Physician Community survey and audience feedback so you can:

  • Assess how an enterprise imaging program can bring value to your organization
  • Develop an enterprise imaging program value proposition
  • Employ implementation lessons learned from other organizations


Cheryl Petersilge, MD, MBA, Visiting Clinical Professor of Radiology, UPMC, Founder and CEO Vidagos Advisors

Kim Garriott, Chief Innovation Officer, Global Healthcare and Life Sciences, NetApp

Lou Lannum, Principal Consultant, Lannum & Associates

Justin Taylor, MD, CMIO & Staff Radiologist Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune

Alex Towbin, MD, Associate Chief, Clinical Operations and Informatics
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center